Monday, November 22, 2010

Dylan Lathrop and Colin Trechter's "What Do the Twins Mean to Minnesota?"

Dylan and Colin made great use of our versatile perfect binding machine in the making of this book - utilizing such elements as different sized page inserts/tabs.

In their words:
"This book was a collaboration between myself and my classmate Colin Trechter. We attended an event (in this case, a Minnesota Twins game) and gathered imagery and content from that time. We then sent out a brief survey to the fans of the Minnesota Twins and were floored by the honesty and beauty of what they had to say. The book uses those quotes and inserted information about the team—from the players to the stadiums to the Dome Dogs. The book resides for both novice and the die hard, with local charm which we both love about this city."

Both gentlemen do great work - do yourself a favor and check out the rest of their work HERE and HERE.

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